Create your life according to your ideas and say goodbye to blockades that hold you back again and again.

28.02 - 01.03.2020 Switzerland /Kiental
(places still available !)


About me

Daniel Atreyu

With over 12 years of experience as a spiritual-energetic healer and transformation companion, years of training group and seminar leader experience and as author of several successful books, I support you with the help of powerful shamanic techniques:

Daniel Atreyu Schamane Berlin

What people say


In this basic course we deal with the basic elements of shamanic energy and healing work, namely trance (in the form of dance, ritual postures and singing) and the shamanic journey. In this way you build up a connection to other states of consciousness and powerful spaces out of yourself („without substances that change your consciousness“) in order to come into contact with your innermost healing sources! You will learn to see the patterns of your subconscious more clearly, to understand them and to dissolve them afterwards. In this way you can release blockages in your body and mind via the soul level!

Trommel Daniel Atreyu irfan e1566465796414
Live your potential and release blockages

The contact with your power animal gives you direct access to your vital soul power, your life task and the shamanic basic knowledge about the connections of life and healing.

As of this weekend your power animal can be a valuable companion and teacher in your life. Through the shamanic journey into the lower world, that realm of power animal & subconscious, you will learn ways to dissolve the blockages and unproductive patterns of your life and past.

connection with yourself & the world

On these days we will deal with possibilities and ways how you can arrive directly and easily at yourself, with your emotions and in the presence of your body, far away from the mind. This will open up a new depth of contact with other people and the world, which we will experience and celebrate together in the protected space of the seminar.

Silence and Meditation

are basic elements of the spiritual and inner path of power and heart. So this weekend you will find many moments and supportive methods where you will be able to immerse yourself in this inner fusion, to feel yourself deeply and to get in touch with your oases of power, far away from the stress of everyday life. You will be able to use these simple but effective methods in your everyday life even after the seminar.

Experience instead of reading

There are many great and wise books. But if you really want to penetrate something and change your life with it, the most effective way is direct experience. So on these days I will give you a step-by-step structure of tried and tested methods. As a mentor and companion I support you in the seminar to see and understand your unconscious point and your potential, so that you can walk your way empowered and powerful.

Baumseminar 2011
Methods- Mix

Through the shamanic methods of energy healing you will be shown ways to create powerful and healing energetic impulses for health, partnership, success and other areas of your life. The techniques from the areas of bodywork, yoga and Tantra will help you to arrive more present and energetic in your body and to feel comfortable and at home.
An diesen 3 Tagen werden wir Singen, Tanzen, Atmen, uns Reinigen und Besinnen, Hüpfen, Toben, in Kontakt gehen, uns selbst intensiv und neu erforschen und mit den Landschaften unserer Seele in Verbindung gehen. Unser freudiges Zusammensein wird getragen sein, vom Klang der Schamanentrommel, kraftvollen Gesängen & Heilritualen, heilsamer Energiearbeit und tiefen Einsichten in die Funktionsweisen des Lebens.

Don't miss this seminar and
book your place NOW!

Because personal professional support is important to me during the process, I only offer this seminar in small groups of max. 8 people. 

Due to the very high demand, it is advisable to register immediately, 

so book your seminar NOW before all places are taken!


Costs & Organizational

18.-20. November 2022 im Berliner Umland (NOCH PLÄTZE FREI !)

Freitag 16-22 Uhr

Samstag 8-9 Uhr Frühstück

10-18 Uhr

Sonntag 8-9 Uhr Frühstück

10-17 Uhr


EUR 390,-
Übernachtungskosten: EUR 60,-/Nacht also 120 Euro für das Wochenende

Frühling 2023 – Schweiz im Kiental


15.00 – 21.00 Uhr


10.00 – 19.00 Uhr


10.00 – 17.00 Uhr



mehr Informationen findest Du hier: Kiental
Kurskosten:CHF 3.520
(exkl. Unterkunfts-, Verpflegungskosten und Kurtaxe)

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