Many people report after the shamanic consultations, of which an energetic healing session is also a component, that they are

healing session
Seminars and education


energetic healing session
  • Learn more about yourself and your potential and grow into your power
  • Powerfully dissolve resistances and blockages
  • Learn to understand the connections of life and your relationships clearly and healingly.

  • Practice in Berlin or remote appointments via Skype/telephone possible


3 consultations with energetic healing session
  • Change unhealthy imprints and relationship patterns and establish new life- and joy-carrying patterns
  • Resolve deep-seated traumas, family entanglements, fears and chronic feelings
  • Let yourself be professionally accompanied in long-term emotional processes by therapeutic shamanic coaching in order to achieve your goals and shape your dream life.


Intensive long-term coaching
(over 4-6 months)
  • Close-meshed care : advice with energetic healing session every 7-14 days, as needed.
  • Always prompt appointments and emergency readiness even on weekends
  • Joint development of success concepts & milestones. If desired, also marketing concepts.
  • Support and 24/7 resource coaching by e-mail between consultations
  • When did you say that? Safe through life-finding phases, transitions, separations and crises, mastering long-term projects and making the right decisions for the future.
  • Let me accompany you empathetically, competent in experience and with the help of my very clear clairvoyance until the agreed goal is reached and you are successful in your project, whether professionally or privately.

Shamanism LIVE Experience, Inside & Learn

Education and Seminars


Shamanic Annual Training “The Energy Healer
and Transformation Accompanier”
189 monthly
  • This year’s training is for you when…

  • …you feel the call within you to follow the path of the healer and to learn this craft professionally and comprehensibly.
  • …you seek ways that effectively support you to come into harmony with your soul, emotions and life, and old things that prevent you from powerfully letting go.
  • …you want to know methods that manifest your inner happiness, your powerful health and your life desires on more and more levels of life so that you can live your dreams.


3-day Basic Course Beginners Seminar – Shamanic Healing

  • This course is for you if…

  • …you are interested in the practical, for yourself, but also for other applicable shamanic healing work and you wish to learn the basic techniques professional and experienced guidance
  • …you are interested in perceiving the voice of your soul more strongly and to arrive in your body, in your grounding and in your heart.
  • …you want to learn how to independently and effectively dissolve blockages on the levels of body, soul and spirit.

So an energetic healing session can also effectively support you in taking one or more big steps on your way and experiencing the desired change, clarity or stabilization.

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Booking a Session

YES, I would like to book the following consultation/coaching bindingly.

Please fill out the form, I will contact you to arrange an appointment.

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