Power animals as mirrors of the soul

In this article I would like to show you how valuable it can be for you if you learn to know power animal energies and use them for your everyday life. Here you will find practical ways to connect with helpful animal energies and thereby support and master the important areas of your life. So if you feel like feeling animalistically good, comfortable and powerful, you will find what you are looking for here!

The use of the term “power animal” has become common in the spiritual scene and beyond – at least in Berlin, where I live right now! The power animal is often the first term you think of when you come into contact with shamanism and the shamanic ways of healing. And for good reason! In my perception the connection with animal energies and the personal power animal belongs to the basis of the energetic healing and development work.

The lost contact to the soul

Many of us have simply not learnt to contact their soul – that immortal inner part and its inherent power. It was simply not taught to us! Actually it would be so important for our holistic well-being and in my perception it should be – besides the art of relating, dealing with conflicts, learning to trust one’s feelings and finding one’s life task – an essential part of teaching in schools. Due to this lack of awareness, it seems as if the multitude of people in the industrialized countries are half present and navigate through life more with happiness than with wisdom. I speak from my own experience, as I used to feel that way myself. I had the feeling that the circumstances of life controlled me and I tried to deal with them as well as possible – mostly more bad than right! Maybe you know this from your life when you read this or you find something of yourself in the next paragraph. The practical work with power animals has changed my life lastingly and very positively. I would like to share that with you here!


The hunger for soul-food

Symptoms that arise when we are not connected to our soul power and how power animals can help us in everyday life:

Krafttierbär Essen

Nutritious for the Soul - Power Animals as "Soul Fuel"

Power animals connect us with the body, ground us, give us energy, give us confidence in our own power and support us to strengthen shamanic sensitive abilities such as clairvoyance, sensitivity, inner clarity and intuition. In the meaning of the indigenous shamanic peoples, the word "power" is synonymous with the word "medicine". Whoever has a lot of strength is in possession of his own medicine and is therefore stronger and more vital! He/she is well prepared for the challenges of life!


Your personal power animal tells you who you are, but also what you need

The work with animal energies is fundamental, I call it here "power animal energy" for everyone suitable. Depending on your life situation, you can connect to certain energies to nourish what you want within yourself. You will find helpful instructions at the end of this article! But it is also the case that in the multi-facetted "zoo" from the most diverse animal energies some animals usually stand out as essential. In shamanism they are called personal power animals. They are faithful companions of the shaman. When it comes to the topic of personal power animals, I always like to bring it close to people by saying: "The personal power animal tells you something about who you really are. Imagine you were an animal. YOUR power animal is the expression of the animal that you are! It is thus a direct expression of your soul essence! It is exciting that in our power animal we can simultaneously recognize what our strengths are, but also where our weaknesses lie. The power animal thus promotes our potentials and at the same time balances out our deficits - how great it is! But how can that work?

The wound is the gift and the potential

In the clairvoyant perception of various soul lives I was allowed to look into, it is clear to me that we are coming into this life with a task here. At the same time it seems as if one needs a wound in the “duality” in which we live in this world. In the last 10 years of my counselling practice I have clearly seen that everyone in the soul field carries the potentials with them that they need to heal these wounds and injuries. I was allowed to see that in most cases exactly that was “chosen” as the largest wound, where the soul already has the highest development potential. One could thus say that the – I like to call it a sacred wound – tells us something about what we carry in our essence. It is, so to speak, the breeding ground so that the potential can be experienced. It is the injury that becomes the source of power on the shamanic way!

Thus the power animal energy can on the one hand activate our already existing strengths and on the other hand lead our “problem zones” into the energetic recovery. I often see the soul potential and the sacred wound as two sides of the same coin.

Male And Female Lions Lying In The Snow

But it is also so that in the multifaceted “zoo” from the most diverse animal energies some animals usually stand out as essential. In shamanism they are called personal power animals. They are faithful companions of the shaman. When it comes to the subject of personal power animals, I always like to bring it close to people by saying: “The personal power animal tells you something about who you really are. Imagine you were an animal. YOUR power animal is the expression of the animal that you are! It is therefore a direct expression of your soul essence! it is exciting that in our power animal we can simultaneously recognize what our strengths are, but also where our weaknesses lie. The power animal thus promotes our potentials and at the same time balances out our deficits – how great it is! But how can that work?

connection between wound and potential a little more pictorial
If, for example, someone has a very deep connection and love for the earth as a soul signature, and has therefore already perfected this quality in previous lives or in other worlds, it is possible that the soul has chosen something as a wound, which expresses itself in the expression of life as a very weak grounding and very active fears. So the soul carries the love and the trust in itself to be up to this task! A great invention, even if it is often not immediately obvious to the physical eye and the mental mind.
What it brings you to know YOUR power animal and to connect with it
I now compare the human being with an engine and it is perfectly clear to me that this is a very masculine and also seemingly dry thought approach. Nevertheless I find it very descriptive and comprehensible. Every engine needs a certain fuel in order to work ideally. Either steam, geothermal energy, solar energy, diesel, crude oil, petrol or natural gas. It is designed for this special fuel. It may also be possible to feed the engine with a substitute, but then you will get different results in productivity. Your power animal is exactly the fuel you need. It is an expression of what you are at a certain level.
How you can use the power animal energies in your everyday life
In practical shamanic healing work it is often the case that one dances, drums, rattles or sounds the energy of one's power animal - in order to connect with it in a direct and powerful way. For this a certain training is advantageous!

One method that might be closer to you is that you can inform water as an energy carrier with the power animal energy. To do this, take a picture of any animal and place it under a water jug or glass. You can also write the name of the desired power animal on a piece of paper, draw a circle around the word and place the water on it! The water takes about 15 minutes to recharge with the power animal energy! It is really exciting to see again and again how people change their appearance and charisma if they work regularly with this method.
What the individual power animal energies mean for your life
You have now read a lot about why it can be important and exciting for you to connect with power animal energies. On my homepage you can read about each animal, what it means and where it can support you in everyday life! Even if you encounter animals in life or on inner journeys, you can recognize the meaning and sense of the encounter in the texts received by the media. The texts help you to better interpret the power animals that come into your life!
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