Shamanic annual training for healers

Energy healer and transformation companion

The training in energy work, shamanic healing and holistic energy medicine


About me

Daniel Atreyu

With over 12 years of experience as a spiritual-energetic healer and transformation companion, years of training group and seminar leader experience and as author of several successful books, I support you with the help of powerful shamanic techniques:

Daniel Atreyu Schamane Berlin

For whom is this annual training suitable?



What people say


This time for once a younger group


The indigenous shamanic traditions of the earth and our ancestors offer numerous treasures, which we can still use today in our modern society for a good and fulfilled life. Thanks to my more than 14 years of experience I know that anyone can learn shamanic healing methods through regular practice – you don’t have to be a medicine man or a medicine woman!

Energetic healing & becoming whole

EnergieheilerThe shamanic training “The energy healer and transformation companion” takes you on a deep journey to yourself and your inner being. There you will meet your clarity, your courage and your true greatness, but also your injured shadow parts, which want to be led into the light and into the healing. In this personal step of development the jewels of your power lie hidden and wait for YOU! You will learn the methods for this in the annual training. In the indigenous tradition of the Lakotas (tribe of the natives of North America) it means that you have found your medicine when you are in your power.

This “path of power and heart” will also be followed by us within the group. I accompany you with my many years of experience as a seminar leader, healer, coach and trainer. With my precise clairvoyance I help you to see clearly and to get to the point lovingly. Together we will walk a path to let your emotions flow more and more freely and you will become more conscious of your connection with everything. This step can again give you an undreamt-of amount of freedom and peace.

Deep natural connection

Wald Sachsen


In rituals and ceremonies, different gates will open in the months you spend together. You will feel how nature reveals itself to you directly with all its beauty and wisdom.


This will give you the opportunity to experience what it feels like with your soul, to experience the world of plants energetically and to communicate with them. In this way you will find answers to life questions and fundamental decisions. Also visions for your soul determination can be brought from this connection more concretely into the conversion. Through the connection with Mother Earth, her healing powers and the native (Central European) shamanic knowledge, you get a wonderful basis to connect with your own healing springs. During the training you will also learn to use the appropriate energetic medicine in every situation for yourself and others.

Entrance to yourself & journey inside


The energy healer training brings you into contact with the ancient energetic healing methods of various traditions. These shamanic methods help you to gain access to your soul and heart wisdom. Your inner silence and peace will be strengthened and you will recognize your potentials and visions to live them. Through this “tool” you have the power to better understand blockages and challenges and transform them in a healing way to bring everything back into flow. In this year’s training you will get to know your body and feel yourself in a new way while dancing and moving consciously.


By your presence in the body and a changed attention focus you experience more ease and joy in many areas of your life. I will introduce you to the gifts and rules of the subtle world and show you how you can use these accesses to your inner worlds practically for your everyday life and also for energetic healings. The art of meditation serves us during the whole training cycle as an access to the powerful presence of NOW. In this way you learn to connect with the moment again and again and to perceive how you feel and what you need right now.

The Power and Magic of the Circle - Community

VisionThis power will carry you for the entire period. You will learn what it feels like to be supported by a loving group. This makes it easier for you to accept unconditionally and love what is. 


You always get a strengthening feedback from the group, are seen as you are and can then grow naturally and leave your limitations behind. 


Are you ready to change and energetically powerfully and joyfully shape your life? Then the Shamanic Way and the Energy Healer Training welcomes you!

LIVE Insights into training

The structure of the annual training

The shamanic annual training goes over a period of 18 months (1,5 years). This duration enables a sustainable balance between learning, experiencing, implementing and integration of healing methods and learning contents.

(contents and structure)



The methods of this level of education help you:

  • to increase your vibration frequency
  • You stable and in your power to ground,
  • to make you more conscious and balanced in everyday life
  • you feel better even on many important levels
  • to trust your perception, also in the media,

In the first phase your body and energy system experiences a fundamental cleansing and strengthening on all levels. You will be trained to be able to assign mental connections in relation to body symptoms and emotional states. The corresponding healing methods enable you to have a suitable solution "at hand" for every situation. After this phase you will already have the skills to apply these methods competently.


"To pacify the past, to solve blockades and to live visions!"
  • chakra cleansing and chakra balancing, meditation
  • feel vital force and grounding
  • connection to the ancestors (Maori ancestor dance)
  • Healing of the father and mother relationship (fire ritual of transformation)
  • powerful manifestation and release (circular rituals)
  • Finding one’s own clarity and vision in life

The Guardian of the Earth:

  • connection with earth and sky
  • Hand laying on and healing body work
  • Nature connection with the 4 elements
  • Energetic healing work with plant and animal vibrations
  • Healing of ancestral entanglements
  • Medical Wheel Ritual “In the Center of Strength”
  • Vision search in nature
  • presence and unconditional love in the NOW
  • learn mediality: Darshan “see with the heart”
  • Communication with the soul, crystals and plants
  • Learn shamanic constellation work
  • Integrate aspects of life and death
  • smoking “be in contact with the plant soul”
  • Healing power of trees and crystals

The old way/The old way:

  • Access to one’s own power and healing springs (The Shamanic Altar)
  • soul travel: Dissolution of Karma, reconnection with old knowledge
  • Energetic work with the power animal and archangel energies
  • Practical process work and support
  • Shamanic Journey and Power Animal
  • recognition and dissolution of subconscious blockades and imprints
  • Trance dance as access to the inner guidance of the soul
  • Therapeutic work with emotions
  • Healing methods for the integration of internal components
  • Client setting in protected and professional rooms
  • forgiveness as a source of peace (“ritual”)
  • Energetic Cleaning (Peruvian egg cleaning)
  • Inauguration in the 7 holy directions “The Way of the Healer”

Translated with


"Finding healing springs, gently resolving deep traumas, and connecting to the Use Higher Self!"

  • Access to the Spirit Guide and Gifts of the Upper World
  • embodiment of the high spiritual connection in everyday life (trance dance & circlework)
  • Healing Methods of the New Era “Shamanic Spirit Healing”
  • Dissolution of packages, vows, oaths, and soul contracts
  • The Healed Self “Journey to the Essence of Healing”
  • Access to the Spirit Guide and Gifts of the Upper World
  • embodiment of the high spiritual connection in everyday life (trance dance & circlework)
  • Healing Methods of the New Era “Shamanic Spirit Healing”
  • Direct connection to the spiritual world “Medial Soulhealing”
  • combining the techniques learned and associated application in practice
  • client work & systemic course in shamanic therapy session



The second phase of shamanic training brings you into direct contact with your healing power, its spiritual and earth-bound sources and your Higher Consciousness!

You will learn methods to see and solve deep-seated blockades and traumas. You acquire the ability to recognize spiritual connections and to initiate energetic precise healing impulses - especially through and in the shamanic journey and in direct contact with the spiritual world.

In the deeper and clearer contact with your spiritual teachers (spiritual guides, plants, stones, animals and crystals) the subtle levels of healing energies will reveal themselves to you.

This is exactly where you will be able to enter into a life-changing relationship with the world of spirits, those helping spiritual energies. You will learn and deepen effective and professional shamanic energetic healing methods for yourself and your clients in this phase.

Costs & Organizational issues

Berlin group takes place in the beautiful Uckermark (Schorfheide)

EUR 189,-/ monthly

The training consists of 16 course days and 3 individual energetic healing sessions,
which are spread over a period of 12 months.
This annual training takes place in 4 times 4-day intensive seminars.

Total price per level (18 months) 3.402,- € /or in 18 monthly instalments at EUR 189,-

Additional costs: approx. between 120 -160 Euro overnight stay per meeting, depending on where we are.

Translated with (free version)

4 days intensive:

Thursday from 10-19
and Sunday until 16.30

February 25-28, 2021 (Berlin area)

June 24 – 27, 2021 (Saxon Switzerland)

October 21-24, 2021 (Berlin area)

February 24-27, 2022 (Berlin area)

Costs & Organizational issues


Kientaler Hof (15 km from Bern)

More information and registration for the modules directly at Kientaler Hof ,

or with the information about the modules in the lower section


Start 30.7-2.8
all further dates of the training click HERE >>>


EUR 189,-/ monatlich

Die Ausbildung besteht aus 16 Kurstagen und 3 individuellen energetischen Heilsitzungen,
welche über einen Zeitraum von 12 Monaten verteilt sind. Dieses Jahrestraining findet in 4 mal 4-Tages-Intensivseminaren statt.
Gesamtpreis pro Stufe (18 Monate) 3.402,- € /oder in 18 monatlichen Raten zu EUR 189,-
Zusatzkosten: ca. zwischen 120 -160 Euro Übernachtung pro Treffen, je nachdem wo wir sind.

For more information just click on the corresponding module to find out the date

Module 1 – Find your center and strength

The Warrior /The Warriors

Module 2 – Find your center and strength

The Earth Keeper

Module 3 – Find your center and inner strength

The lover/lover the wisdom of the old

Module 4: healing is possible!

The Healer

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