Power animal Falcon

Krafttier Falke

“I am in the air with lightning speed, I see everything, even how God created this world, I am guardian and supervisor of the divine plan, mediator of the worlds, connector of the clans. In my heart the Spirit is enthroned, in my love the earth dwells, I connect both, give them home in me.

For when heaven and earth are connected within, blissful hours of life begin. I lift you up to the sky tent, show you the potentials of the inner world. Teach yourself to look at things from above, to trust in your guidance with clarity and wisdom. 

Rise from the entanglements of the material world, for it is borrowed only to experience, to arouse love and to see your counterpart as your image. Ask yourself with an inner tone: “What is it that dwells eternally in you?

The genus falcon is spread all over the world and comprises approx. 39 species, 10 of which we find in Europe. The kestrel is the most common bird of prey and the Merlin is often seen as a winter guest. The falcon usually lives on wide open spaces with low or incomplete vegetation, which can also be found in the high mountains.

As nesting-place, it prefers high-situated places, as rock-walls, buildings or trees visits. Falcons themselves don’t build any nests however, what distinguishes it clearly from other gripping-birds. 

They brood predominantly in the nests of other bird-types or live in holes, cracks or hollows in the landscape or in the townscape (buildings).among the falcons, however, migratory birds are also stand-birds in the former line. The well-known tree falcon belongs to the typical long-distance pullers that flies to the Cape Province of South Africa for breeding. Through its big wing-span, its moderate-sized physique and long, narrow tail, they can overcome also bigger water-surfaces in the so-called “active rudder-flight. Falcon-pairs work in the team and hunt often together.

The females differ through a dark, red-brown wing-blanket with spotted or banded patterns in black or cream. The males, on the other hand, basically have a cream-coloured underside. They can reach a speed of up to 300 kilometers per hour with tailwind or also in the nosedive.

They like to hunt small animals such as mice, reptiles, bats and insects during the day or at dusk. Due to their very curved beak and 15 cervical vertebrae, with which they can turn their cervical spine by 180°, they are very well equipped as hunters. The anatomy is surpassed by their special eye position, which extends their field of vision to 220° without having to turn their neck. 

Falcons can live up to 15 years. They are monogamous and lay up to 7 eggs. They breed for about 30 days and 40 days after hatching the young falcons leave their nest. Not only in Egypt the falcon is trained preferentially for hunting. But just there it is the king of the birds and symbol for the god Horus, who is represented since always with a falcon head. He is the child of the highest pair of gods and his sister Isis is also depicted on most of the drawings with spread out falcon wings. Do we not all know the all-seeing eye of Horus as a symbol of protection? It resembles a falcon’s eye and still has a high standing among humans today, because it stands for the sun and the moon, for strength and power at the same time.

Horus himself stands for that spiritual part of man that goes beyond death. The moon god Chon, who was able to heal the sick, is often depicted on drawings with a falcon’s head on his head.  This power animal enjoys a very high reputation in Egyptian mythology, because it is messenger of the sun god Re and at the same time the sun symbol par excellence.

Let’s move on to ancient mythology. There the falcon was dedicated to the sorceress Circe and the messenger Apollos. With the Celts, however, he was the symbol of victory and messenger between this world and the other.  With the Teutons Freya, the goddess of love, fertility, happiness and spring, wore a hawk robe. With this she could not only glide through the air at lightning speed, but also turn into a falcon if she wanted to remain unrecognised by humans. In both peoples the shaman’s garment consisted of the feathers of the falcon, which was handed over only by the spiritual world and brought the wearer everywhere.

In the medicine wheel and Indian horoscope he is assigned to the “moon of the budding trees” (20.3. -19.04.) alongside the hawk and the buzzard.

Also the nordic god Odin preferred the shape of a falcon. In no other than the Hun King Attila was the falcon the field sign and knights proudly carried the symbol of the falcon. Since this power animal is known for its great courage, sharp eyes and unsurpassable speed.

Indra, the king of the Hindus gods, used the swiftness of the falcon as a means of transport. So he helped to hunt and kill demons, because he was able to bring the drink of the gods Soma from heaven to earth.

Sokol is called the falcon by the Slavs and is a figure for the sun and light. In ancient Russian fairy tales, heroes turn into hawks to solve the most difficult tasks with speed.

Blessed with prophetic and healing powers, he is venerated in Polynesia.  A tamed falcon, on the other hand, stood in Christ for all those who were converted.

The power animal Falcon embodies not only the solar culture but also the ancient knowledge of Atlantis and Avalon. It is the connection with the realm of the fairies, who observe the hustle and bustle of the upper world and hold the threads of fate in their hands. Worn as an amulet, it brings unimagined happiness and fulfils all wishes.

The sun rune Sowilo is assigned to the falcon. It stands for power, physical strength, dynamic power and magic will.

This power-animal tolerates no foreign energies in its precinct and therefore perceives them very fast. As an agile teacher, he brings the martial art of the empty hand close to his students and announces the departure to new shores.

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