Power animal Swan

Krafttier Schwan

“I am born pure, chosen to heal with the essence of the stars in my heart, royally I seek my life, guided and guarded by the divine blessing, for the one who measures the measure of the pure heart is guarded, I glide by the water, the water loves me, I clarify feeling and pain that speaks from your past.

I am connected with everything, my heart shines bright, I teach you the whole of the world, because you are only able to understand, you can see the whole of all things. You can see the beauty of life through me – this is the reason why everyone calls me the “peacemaker”.

White, beautiful and noble he comes, the swan with his long neck. It lives on shallow lakes, slowly flowing rivers and sometimes also in swamps. Water plants are the main food and so swans like to dive under with their long neck and tilt their body vertically upwards. The power-animal belonging to the ducks reaches a maximum-weight of 12 – 13 kg and counts to the heaviest native flight-birds. Its wingspan measures up to two metres, its swimming feet are powerful and its plumage is pure white, sometimes also black or black-and-white patterned, its beak orange-red.

One of the most common species is the Mute Swan, which is not endangered with about 500,000 animals worldwide. Other species like the trumpet swan, the mourning swan, the blackwood swan or the boisterous singing swan are not to be seen quite so often anymore. Most swans remain faithful to themselves for a lifetime, some even all year round. They build the heavy nest together near the shore and raise their 5 – 10 young together.

Fledglings still look less pretty in the comparison and have a gray plumage. Swans change its plumage annually. In this time of approx. 4 – 8 weeks, they cannot fly. However, with its powerful legs and long neck, they sat down if necessary nevertheless against enemies to the defense.

We all know the story of the ugly duckling, swan lake or the seven swans. Many stories are attributed to the swan, because it stands for love, beauty, sincerity. But in many cultures he also embodies innocence, purity and grace. Swans are often referred to as the angels of the skies, because popular belief says that angels sometimes turn into swans.

So they can be close to people to transmit the power of light and the messages of the Holy Spirit. For the Celts and Teutons this power animal was the symbol of the soul and its always living core. According to the Nordic legend, two swans lived at the Weltenbaum Yggdrasil at the source of the primeval well. This water is so holy that everything it touches becomes pure. Swans are in deep connection with the light deities like the Celtic goddess Brigid and can look into the future, they say. Probably the expression “there is something swaying in my mind” established itself in this way.

The Lord of the Swans is the Nordic cloud god Hoenir, the Swan Queen of the Nordic Valkyries is Kara.  She in turn defeated her enemies by flying singing over their heads. In the indigenous European tales, the migratory warbler’s soul animal is often the swan. In ancient times the swan was dedicated to the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite and the Greek sun god Apollo.

The king’s daughter Leda was seduced by Zeus, who took on the shape of a swan and so impressed her. Hamsa bird the swan is called with the Hindus. For them it represents the breath of the spirit. The Hindu god Brahma therefore rides on a swan that lays the cosmic egg. The goddess of art, wisdom and science – Dewi Saraswati, mother of the Vedas, also rides a big white swan.

According to tradition, a swan would only sing if it had to die. His singing symbolizes the harbinger of death. Therefore the last work of an artist is also called swan song.

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